Top-rated on, with more 5-star reviews than all other study methods combined

HamTestOnline Prices and Discounts


We cost about the same as books and deliver a lot more value, including a 100% money-back guarantee!

Sale Price Course


Technician Class study course — 3-month subscription — for the question pool effective July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2026
 *** Ham It Forward sale! ***
List price: $​34.95 (14% off)
Sale ends: ​3/31/2025
(Includes the study materials for the Technician exam only.  Does not include the General or Extra study materials.)


General Class study course — 3-month subscription — for the question pool effective July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2027
 *** Ham It Forward sale! ***
List price: $​41.95 (12% off)
Sale ends: 3/31/2025
(Includes the study materials for the General exam only.  Does not include the Technician or Extra study materials.)


Extra Class study course — 3-month subscription — for the question pool effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2028
 *** Ham It Forward sale! ***

List price: $​47.95 (10% off)
Sale ends: 3/31/2025
(Includes the study materials for the Extra exam only.  Does not include the Technician or General study materials.)


Renew all previously-purchased courses — 3-month website renewal
 *** Ham It Forward sale! ***
List price: $​31.95 (16% off!) ($​8.98/month)
Sale ends: 3/31/2025


Renew all previously-purchased courses — 6-month website renewal
Pay for 5 months, get 1 month FREE! ($​7.49/month)
Sale ends: 3/31/2025


Renew all previously-purchased courses — 1-year website renewal
Pay for 9 months, get 3 months FREE! ($​6.66/month)
Sale ends: 3/31/2025


Renew all previously-purchased courses — 2-year website renewal
Pay for 12 months, get 12 months FREE! ($​4.16/month)
Sale ends: 3/31/2025

$​199.95 Renew all previously-purchased courses — 5-year website renewal
Pay for 2 years, get 3 years FREE! ($​3.33/month)
Sale ends: 3/31/2025
$​299.95 Renew all previously-purchased courses — 10-year website renewal
Pay for 3 years, get 7 years FREE! ($​2.50/month)
Sale ends: 3/31/2025
  • All courses are sold separately.  Each course covers one single exam.  If you want to pass multiple exams, you should purchase multiple courses.
  • When you purchase multiple courses together, your subscription term is the sum of the terms of those individual courses.  For example, purchasing 3-month subscriptions to both the Technician and General courses gives you access to both courses for 6 months.  Purchasing all three courses together gives you access to all three for 9 months.
  • A renewal gives you more time on all courses you previously purchased from us (on the same account)ː
    • If you renew before your subscription expires, the renewal extends your existing subscription by the specified renewal term.
    • If you renew after your subscription has expired, the renewal period starts on the date you renew, not when your previous subscription expires.  (You don't pay for the gap.)
  • Purchasing any new course automatically gives you access to all previously purchased courses (on the same account).  For example, instead of purchasing a 3-month renewal of the Technician course, you could subscribe to the General course and get full access to both courses for 3 months.
  • If a question pool changes during your subscription term, you automatically get the new question pool at no additional cost.  We load new question pools and update the courses on the system at least two months before they go into effect, giving you plenty of time to prepare.  During the transition period, students can freely switch between the old and new pools.
  • We do not give partial refunds or credit for any time remaining on your subscription after you pass the exam.  Our goal is to get you the license.  If we meet that goal, no matter how long or short your studies, we have delivered.
  • Prices quoted are in U.S. dollars, and all payments must be in U.S. funds.
  • All subscriptions apply to one person only.  You cannot share your account or subscriptions.
  • HamTestOnline does not administer the amateur radio exams, and the price for the course does not include the fee for taking the exam.  To obtain or upgrade a ham radio license, you must attend an exam session administered by an accredited Volunteer Examiner (VE) team, who will check your photo ID and monitor your session to prevent cheating.  Most volunteer examiner teams charge $15 per session, regardless of how many exams you take during the session.  Thousands of our students have saved money on exam session fees by taking more than one exam in a single sitting.

  • Prices are subject to change without notice.

Free courses


Click to see how active volunteer examiners can get the Extra course for free!


During the Ham It Forward sale, we are giving every student the Ham It Forward discount every day, with no minimum purchase, and no need to email or telephone.  Just sign up online, and you will automatically receive the discount!

Quantity discounts

Quantity discounts start when you purchase 10 or more courses together in a single transaction:

Total number of courses
in transaction
10-24 5%
25-49 10%
50-99 15%
100+ 20%

These quantity discounts apply to the Ham It Forward sales price.  However, they cannot be combined with any other discounts.

Youth in ham radio

We would like to see more youth in ham radio!  We therefore offer special pricing on bulk Technician courses for youth groups.  These "youth" subscriptions are identical to our regular subscriptions, but are sold with the condition that they only be used by students under the age of 18:

  • $15 for the “youth” Technician course subscriptions, for students under 18, for quantities of 10-24 courses per order.
  • $12 for the “youth” Technician course subscriptions, for students under 18, for quantities of 25 or more courses per order.

Youth prices cannot be combined with any other discounts.  They are subject to our regular shipping and handling fees, as shown below.

Delivery media

You have three delivery options for gift and bulk purchases:

  • The default is for us to send you instructions and subscription codes by email, which you can distribute to the recipients.  We do not charge shipping and handling for this delivery method.
  • Our subscription certificates are printed on thin card stock, sized 8.5" x 3.67" (to fit in a standard #10 business envelope without folding), and contain a subscription code to give access to the courses purchased.  These would be ideal for handing out to class members, or in an envelope on the Christmas tree.  We send these by USPS First Class or Priority Mail, and charge a $0.10 shipping and handling fee per subscription certificate, subject to a minimum shipping and handling fee of $1.00 per order, sent to the same mailing address:
    Subscription certificate front:
    Subscription certificate front
    Subscription certificate back:
    Subscription certificate back
  • Our shrink-wrap product is an 8.5" x 11" piece of cardboard sandwiched between two sheets of paper, all shrink-wrapped together, which gives a more substantial feel than the subscription certificates.  They have a subscription code under a peel-off sticker to give access to the course purchased.  Because the subscription code is hidden until the shrink-wrap and peel-off sticker are removed, these are ideal for a store display, a raffle, or a door prize.  We send these by USPS First Class or Priority Mail and charge a $10.00 shipping and handling fee for the first shrink-wrap product, and $2.00 for each additional one in the same order sent to the same postal address.

    Shrink-wrap product (They look brighter in real life, but I cannot use flash because it reflects too much off of the shrink-wrap):
    Shrink-wrap front  Shrink-wrap front
How to make a gift or bulk order

To order gift or bulk subscriptions:

  1. Email, specifying the quantity of each course, and your desired delivery method (codes by email, subscription certificates, or shrink-wrap product).  Include your postal address if ordering subscription certificates or shrink-wrap products.  Include your purchase order number, if applicable.
  2. We will email you a PayPal invoice, including any discounts and shipping and handling fees.
  3. We will process your order upon receipt of payment.