from HamTestOnline™
CAUTION: A bigger and badder Extra question pool will go into effect on July 1, 2016!
Recommendation: Step up to Extra now, before the changeover!
You've always wanted to be an Extra! Maybe you've even purchased the Extra course, but have put off studying. You have plenty of time to study and pass Extra by June 30, before the new pool goes into effect!
Depending on your knowledge and memory, you'll need about 30 hours of study. Study one hour per day, and you could pass the Extra a month from today. It's that easy! Our 100% money-back guarantee makes it a no-brainer — you pass the exam or get a full refund! What's not to love?
Upgrade now to avoid studying the new pool with 713 questions, including about 25 new subjects — stuff like orthogonal frequency division multiplexing — yikes!
What if you don't make it in time? We've got your back! Your Extra subscription includes the courses for both the old and new question pools.
Not sure why you might want the Extra? Here are some reasons:
- To have full access to all ham frequencies, including the less crowded Advanced and Extra portions of the bands. Some of the best DX is in the Extra segments.
- To get a shorter call sign, which can be a big advantage when working a pileup.
- To have full reciprocal operating privileges when you travel to CEPT countries (Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, etc.).
- To be allowed to administer all exam levels as a volunteer examiner.
- As a stepping stone for broadcast engineers to obtain the Certified Broadcast Technologist certification.
- It sets your college application or resume apart from the crowd.
- Exercise your brain. Any day you don't learn something new is a wasted day!
- Did we mention that a bigger and badder question pool goes into effect on July 1, 2016?
Already have the Extra? Yay, no more ham exams! Use this time to prepare for Field Day!
ARRL Field Day!
ALERT: The ARRL Field Day is coming to a location near you on June 25-26, 2016!
Recommendation: Mark your calendars! Make your plans!
The ARRL Field Day is one of the most fun events in ham radio. Every year, on the fourth full weekend of June, thousands of clubs and individuals all across the U.S. and Canada set up temporary operations — in fields and parks, at Emergency Operations Centers, etc. On the surface it looks like a giant contest, with each team trying to score points by making contacts and exchanging information with as many stations as possible. The underlying reality is that we are testing our equipment and honing our skills for rapid deployment and around-the-clock operation of widespread emergency communications networks!
Field Day is an excellent way to practice operating on the HF bands, and to make friends with local club members. We strongly recommend this activity, especially to new hams! One of the best ways to make new ham radio friends is to show up at the Field Day planning meetings and volunteer to help with station setup and teardown. Even if you're a total newbie at HF operations, the extra hands are always welcome, and you're sure to learn a lot!
Not in a club yet? Find one on the ARRL club locator page.
Pssst! Another option is to plan a vacation around Field Day! John, W1AI, and Christina, KT1NA, participated in Field Day 2013 with the Maui Amateur Radio Club on their honeymoon (how could she say no?), in a cow pasture on a cliff, overlooking the ocean. Think about the possibilities!
Field Day checklist:
- Contact the coordinators beforehand, get directions and information.
- Decide how much time you will spend there. We recommend at least 4 hours of the 24-hour operating period, plus some time during setup or teardown.
- Bring a copy of your current FCC license. If you're not licensed, hold only a Technician license, or have little operating experience, most clubs will let you operate the G.O.T.A. (“Get On The Air”) station, where an experienced operator will show you what to do.
- It's better if you upgrade at least to General, or better yet to Extra, so you can participate more fully in the event. Yet another reason to get to Extra before the bigger and badder question pool goes into effect!
- Bring a snack or meal to share!
- Prepare for the weather and conditions – indoors, outdoors, hot, cold, wet?
- Have fun!
- You've got the license — now get radio active!